It’s almost Compost Awareness Week. People are being asked to rethink their garden waste and realise the benefits of composting at home. Up to a quarter of the average household waste is organic, which means that it could be turned in to compost.

Helping the environment and saving money

Composting is a win-win solution for the environment and for your pocket. The production of nutritious compost essentially allows you to feed your garden for free. Compost helps your flower beds and vegetable plots thrive and cuts down on the amount of waste going to landfill. Find out how.

Stop your garden waste such as fencing, shrubs and grass cuttings going to the landfill by hiring a team of waste collectors that specialise in garden waste. For example, Any Waste in Berkshire offers an extensive garden waste service. Where possible, they will recycle all items collected.

Any Waste covers areas such as Newbury, Reading and Slough. Click here for top garden removals.

You can find out more about composting at the page below:

Facts about compost

Some things we can compost include:

  • Egg shells: they won’t break down completely but they add a valuable source of calcium to the soil
  • Potato peelings
  • Fluff from your vacuum cleaner
  • Fruit and vegetable peelings
  • Bedding from vegetarian pets, such as hamsters and guinea pigs
  • Coffee grounds, alongside the filter paper

Among the things you can’t compost is meat and fish, dairy products or diseased plants. Find out more.