Fireworks currently come under two classifications, the first being garden and the other being display fireworks. Supposedly, display packs have a distance of around 25m, making them unsuitable for smaller sized gardens. Find out more here.

However, garden fireworks have a spectator distance of 5-8m, making them suitable for smaller, more confined spaces. Contact us today.

But, with all of this in mind, when should you use garden fireworks?

Below are a few of the main reasons to scale down to garden sized fireworks:

  • If you cannot reach the 25m safety distance between the fireworks and spectators
  • If you don’t have a suitable fall out area
  • If you are displaying for a younger age group
  • If you haven’t used fireworks before

Many people think that as garden fireworks are used for smaller places, that they aren’t effective. However, this isn’t the case. Garden fireworks have the ability to create a dramatic display if you choose the right ones. More information about pyrotechnics here.

Cakes (barrages) that are classed as garden pyrotechnics are becoming of more popular interest, however they are slightly harder to find compared to other fireworks. We suggest purchasing from The Fireworks Shop as they have various sizes of cakes in stock, suitable for all locations. See what’s available.

Guidelines you should follow

It is important to follow the guidelines provided by firework retailers and the local council so you can minimise any potential risks that may be apparent. Find out more.